matchmaking - Kingdom of Glass

Matchmaking bus travel organizers in the Kingdom of Glass - part of the project Climate-smart travel in the Tourism Industry.

In the project Climate-smart travel in the hospitality industry, we have a sub-project called Matchmaking bus travel organizers.

The purpose of the project is that we will together package attractive concepts that attract the bus travel organizer and his target groups.

As participation in the focus group for entrepreneurs, we are thinking of the following arrangement:

Competence development in what the bus travel organizers demand
Share the experiences of others on the subject
Create a checklist for successful collaboration between destinations and bus tour operators
Create joint offers that suit the target group
Create a digital smorgasbord from Glasriket for the bus tour operator
Develop joint marketing materials, printed and mobile
Together carry out a fair in Jönköping August 2022.

Partial meeting 1 Cost

Here you will find material and recording from the meeting in Kosta. Unfortunately, the recording was not very good this time.

-Powerpoint by Oscar Sundås: Insight into the bus industry: Download here

- Checklist for a successful collaboration between destination and bus tour operator. See the checklist here

-Example of product sheet Thorslunda kagge. read here

-Video recording presentation by Oscar Sundås and Tomas Bark: Look here

Bus & Travel Market in Jönköping

The picture shows Glasriket's staff in the stand during the bus fair in Jönköping.

On August 18, the Bus & Travel Market fair was visited at Husqvarna Arena in Jönköping. The purpose was to establish contacts with group tour organizers. Seven of Glasriket's companies that participated in the project were present in a common stand put together by Destination Glasriket AB. Before the fair, presentation material had been prepared. You can access the material via the links.

Brochure group travel

Destination film Kingdom of Glass for groups