Weronica Stålered new CEO of Destination Glasriket AB
Since September 22, Destination Glasriket AB has a new CEO.
It is Weronica Stålered who has taken over the role of managing director after Carina Åresved Gustafsson.
Weronica lives in Emmaboda and has most recently worked as an administrative manager, with development issues that concern
hospitality, countryside and marketing in Emmaboda municipality.
- Weronica has the full confidence of the board and we are convinced that she has the skills to
required to run and develop the company. She has previously, as a municipal representative, been active in
the company's mission, which is an advantage, says board chairman Johan Jonsson.
Destination Glasriket AB is the Glasriket municipalities' official company for marketing and
development issues within the hospitality industry. The company shall market and develop the destination.
The company is jointly owned by the four municipalities Emmaboda, Lessebo, Nybro and Uppvidinge.