Glasriket at Elmia - Caravan Motorhome 2023 - Glasriket

Glass Kingdom at Elmia – Caravan Motorhome 2023

Interest in mobile life is great in Sweden.

Sweden ranks number 2 in the whole of Europe in terms of the number of motorhomes per capita, when it comes to caravans we are number 1. The motorhome traveler is also a target group that travels most of the year and as many as 27% of the motorhome owners have their motorhome available the whole year. These are some of the reasons behind the decision to market the Kingdom of Glass at Elmia – Caravan House 2023.

Ahead of the 2023 fair, Elmia developed the Destinationstorget concept. For several years, there have been thoughts about creating a place at the fair where specific destinations can gather with their stands. In the past, these stands have been scattered in slightly different places at the fair, which has become a bit messy. Gathering this in one and the same place would make it easier for the fair visitors who are looking for tips and inspiration for their upcoming trips, so now in 2023, Hall F was dedicated precisely to Destinationstorget. It was of course also here that we set up the stand for marketing the Kingdom of Glass as an attractive visitor destination.

31,000 visitors

Interest in mobile life is at a record high. During these five days, the fair had 31,000 visitors, and many are those who also choose to camp on the fair grounds with their motorhome or caravan. The fair is large so it requires more than a day to go through everything that is at Elmia. In addition, several different activities are arranged both during the fair days themselves in the form of several different lectures but also in the evening. This contributes to Elmia Husvagn Husbil succeeding in attracting a large audience year after year.

Our activities at the fair

In Glasriket's stand at Destinationstorget, we arranged competitions, a total of 3 per day, where those who competed had the chance to win nice and glassy things from Glasriket. We had both a competition with tip questions and a competition with a guessing question. Now we haven't counted the number of answer cards, but there was really great interest in participating in our competitions, which was really fun.

When we really filled the stand with glass from Glasriket with laid out tables, together with our nice background, it was easy to get people to stop by our stand. We recorded all our longer conversations we had with visitors, the conversations that also included the person we talked to receiving information and inspiration material about the Kingdom of Glass. Between 150 – 220 people per day. So a new person about every two minutes. Fortunately, we were constantly 2-3 people working in the booth, especially considering that many conversations were long. There is so much to talk about when talking about the Kingdom of Glass <3

We have also presented the Kingdom of Glass as a destination for audience members from the stage inside Destinationstorget.

We obviously took the opportunity to highlight the Kingdom of Glass as a year-round visitor destination and now hope that many people have been inspired to visit us, now in autumn, winter, spring or just at any time during the year 😀

The gang at Destination Glasriket